Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hello all,

I thought I would start out and introduce myself and give you a little info about me. To start off, my name is Leslie Nicole. I recently graduated from college, the University of Oregon to be exact. I have lived in Oregon my entire life. I love it so much here. I was born in Portland and currently live in the SE suburbs. Portland (and its neighbors) is such a lovely place. Magic can happen here and that's what I love most about it! It's so close to the beach in one direction, and the mountain in the other. My alma mater is about 2 hours south of here, and I love to visit my friends there as often as I can. Sometimes I feel like I need just a little bit more that Portland cannot offer me, and head north to Seattle for the day. It's such a lovely area around here. We have some of the friendliest people here too. Our drivers, except for the occasional pushy one, tend to be very courteous. Although, I don't drive myself, so I don't have to worry about that quite yet. I am 23 and without a license. Some think that would be difficult, but it's really so easy to get around with our great mass transit system. I'm working on getting my license though, but it's scary out there.. too many aggressive drivers out there for me. Okay, I'm getting off I tend to do, you'll quickly learn that I am very good at going on aimless tangents...some would consider it annoying. So if that's you, and you don't wish to read the ramblings of a 20 something girl, then please move on.

The purpose of this blog, well it has many intentions. I wanted mainly to track my success of my weight loss journey. I have struggled with my weight for so long now, and I just need an outlet. I've recently joined 24 hour fitness and it's going to be a great journey..I think. When I finally shed all of the weight-which by the way, will never be disclosed haha because it's none of your goddang business!- I imagine myself sitting on the cornflake. Light, weightless, free. I don't want to feel weighed down anymore. Don't get me wrong.. I'm so happy with my body, and most of the time I feel very confident in my own skin, but sometimes I wish that I could be thin in order to fit into cuter clothes. I will have those lackluster days, but I'm most certain that we all do, at least on the occasion... So I will write about that and probably some other life isn't all that interesting, but sometimes interesting and entertaining things to happen to me as I'm sure you will read haha

love and all that,

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